Monday, February 2, 2009

Even in Exodus

i'm attempting to read the Bible in six months. let me just be honest and say it started out at a goal of six months. my first mini-goal was to get through Matthew, Mark, Genesis and Exodus in 2 weeks. at the end of my third week i've completed Matthew, Genesis and most of Exodus. it seems the detailed description of just how the tabernacle should be constructed has me a little less than overjoyed to plow ahead with the reading. in doing these readings together, it's kinda exciting to me to see the different prospectives. the beginning of it all...the fall of man, and the beginning of it getting put back together all at the same time. i understand Exodus is really about the beginning of God's covenant with His people, and how the next bunches of years were about showing them how they couldn't do it with rules and simply putting it, they needed a savior to do it for them. but, the middle of winter, today, reading the exciting details of just how that tabernacle should be built...i just was not so thrilled. so, on facebook, i updated my status thusly: Bible reading in my to be inspired by Tabernacle building instructions?

speaking of winter...what it is about this season that drains every bit of happy producing chemical from my body? oh, i's the freezing cold temperatures for which i was not manufactured. it's the lack of decent sunshine. it's the general brown/grey color that every bit of vegetation displays. it's how, in middle tennessee, since it's so stinkin' cold, you still won't get any decent snow, and so you just get icky weather and nothing to show for it. sorry for the unloading of negetivity, but stick with me people, there is a point and it gets brighter just a bit. to top it off, for whatever reason, shall we say (crazy, questioning voice) Saaataaaaan(???) i've been so inclined to revisit the tracie of decades past. drudging up old memories for which you think you've forgiven yourself and moved on only to realize that because we are creatures that simply cannot forget, sometimes we have to reforgive ourselves...makes for fun times. but, since that's what Jesus came to die for, that's kinda what i'm about...forgiving...even if it is ugly old me.

back to Exodus and my facebook status. one of my friends then replied, "proof that God cares about the details." this initially scared me. really? cuz if He cared that much about the tabernacle, the place He dwelt in with the Isrealites, then what does He think about His dwelling place in me?!?!? that thought was then followed by, "aaaaaaaaaaaaak!" and that's when He found me...not that He ever left. but that's when my cold little heart melted enough here in the middle of the winter to be still enough and listen. because Jesus already has it taken care of...He did die for me, and even if i'm still working on forgiving me, his blood is still covering me and God can look at me and see His perfect and holy Son.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to read the bible in a year. Hope you achieve your goal.